
Georgia Instructor Training

Original price was: $375.00.Current price is: $325.00.

March 12-14, 2025

GAR Headquarters
6065 Barfield Road
Atlanta, GA 30328

Cancellations for the GIT Program can be made up to five (5) business days before the class begins. No refunds after that date. Transfers can be made five (5) business days prior to the class start date and must be made in writing. Students may transfer to the next scheduled GIT at no charge. Students will only be eligible for one free transfer. The ability to transfer has a one-year expiration date. After the one-year expiration date, the student will need to re-register and pay the full price for the course.



The Georgia Instructor Training (GIT) is a program designed specifically for Georgia Prelicense Instructors. The 3-day training is offered by the Georgia Real Estate Commission (GREC) to comply with Rule 520-3-.04(1). Prelicense Instructors are required to attend the GIT prior to being approved by GREC as a prelicense instructor.

The GIT is approved for 12 real estate CE credit & 7 appraisal CE credit.The Georgia Instructor Training (GIT) is a program designed specifically for Georgia Pre-License Instructors. The three-day training is offered by the Georgia Real Estate Commission (GREC) to comply with Rule 520-3-.04(1). Pre-license Instructor Candidates are required to attend all three days of the program prior to being approved by GREC as a Pre-License Instructor.

Prelicense Instructors are required to attend the GIT prior to being approved by GREC as a prelicense instructor.

Attendance on Day One and Day Two of the GIT is approved for 12 hours of real estate CE credit and 7 hours of appraisal CE credit.

On Day Three all candidates will be required to develop and present a 15-minute PowerPoint presentation on an assigned pre-license topic. Presentations will be evaluated based on preparation, knowledge of subject, engagement of learning experience, communication skills, and materials used.

Tuition includes GIT Candidate Manual, and morning/afternoon snacks. There is a one-hour lunch break. Lunch is on your own. Participates must bring a tablet or computer and a flash drive to class

Class size is limited to 28 students.